There are principles, rules or concepts that may concern a designer. A designer may work without these knowledge because his personal taste is much more important but an understanding of it will definitely helps a designer’s capability in creating his works. Hence, we were asked to do a paper cut-out that have to include the basic principles of design.
Symmetrical balance
This basically means that both sides is equally identical and the same. In my work, I've cut out a sun. The sun is the star at the center of the Solar System which keeps the Universe in balance with its powerful magnetic field. The scale hanging on the tree also means that everything in life is equal.
Asymmetrical Balance
Asymmetrical Balance gives us more freedom and possibilities on how we create our design and let it be more interesting than perfectly symmetrical objects. It ignores the balance to create a more dynamic layouts, enables designer to add tension or create movements in their work.Hierarchy
We often see hierarchy in our lives, whether it'll be in your house, your school or the place your work. Hierarchy gives us a sense of order, but it can also be corrupted by human's greed and selfishness. People can be very determined to reach their goals, they can even manipulate other people, trample on other people to reach the highest stage in the hierarchy, but fear not, as there are still some people willing to help each other out to succeed.
Instead of only using squares to create a normal repetition, i tried to do a different type of repetition I found on the web. Using curvy lines and shapes, it gives a certain flow and softness in it instead of the usual stiffness.
RAWR!! Monster! Monster! It's coming to get you! The more you feed, the more it'll grow!
Pay attention to it closely! Does it looks like it's moving? Irregular Rhythm. Using rhythm, either to create a more relaxing feel or to add to the dynamism of a layout, we can change the mood and subsequently the impact the piece has on the audience.(
Sometimes a still image can make your mind thinks that it is actually moving because the image inside is directing your eyes on how to see the image. Like my work below, it is actually directing your eyes to slowly focus on the center point of the image, creating an illusion that your are actually moving toward the 'hole'.
What you first notice in the image is the dominance of the picture. Like the 'star' or celebrity, we are often attracted to these 'stars', even if they walk among the crowd, they will be recognised easily no matter how they disguise themselves, but other people we just walk pass without noticing them.
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