Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Paper cut-out

There are principles, rules or concepts that may concern a designer. A designer may work without these knowledge because his personal taste is much more important but an understanding of it will definitely helps a designer’s capability in creating his works. Hence, we were asked to do a paper cut-out that have to include the basic principles of design.

Symmetrical balance
This basically means that both sides is equally identical and the same. In my work, I've cut out a sun. The sun is the star at the center of the Solar System which keeps the Universe in balance with its powerful magnetic field. The scale hanging on the tree also means that everything in life is equal.

Asymmetrical Balance
Asymmetrical Balance gives us more freedom and possibilities on how we create our design and let it be more interesting than perfectly symmetrical objects. It ignores the balance to create a more dynamic layouts, enables designer to add tension or create movements in their work.

We often see hierarchy in our lives, whether it'll be in your house, your school or the place your work. Hierarchy gives us a sense of order, but it can also be corrupted by human's greed and selfishness. People can be very determined to reach their goals, they can even manipulate other people, trample on other people to reach the highest stage in the hierarchy, but fear not, as there are still some people willing to help each other out to succeed.

Instead of only using squares to create a normal repetition, i tried to do a different type of repetition I found on the web. Using curvy lines and shapes, it gives a certain flow and softness in it instead of the usual stiffness.

RAWR!! Monster! Monster! It's coming to get you! The more you feed, the more it'll grow!

Pay attention to it closely! Does it looks like it's moving? Irregular Rhythm. Using rhythm, either to create a more relaxing feel or to add to the dynamism of a layout, we can change the mood and subsequently the impact the piece has on the audience.(

Sometimes a still image can make your mind thinks that it is actually moving because the image inside is directing your eyes on how to see the image. Like my work below, it is actually directing your eyes to slowly focus on the center point of the image, creating an illusion that your are actually moving toward the 'hole'.

What you first notice in the image is the dominance of the picture. Like the 'star' or celebrity, we are often attracted to these 'stars', even if they walk among the crowd, they will be recognised easily no matter how they disguise themselves, but other people we just walk pass without noticing them.  


Monday, 12 November 2012

Comedy skit

Well, I was trying to tell a story on how one day, I was asked to attend a funeral by a friend of mine in his place because he couldn't make it. I was asked to give a farewell speech in the funeral. Please enjoy the video and see what I had gone through to deliver the speech. Enjoy and laugh!

Signed out!

Comedy Research

What comes to your mind first when you see the word 'comedy', is it Mr. Bean?

or is it Charlie Chaplin?

What does these two shared in common? Think carefully....The answer is, they never speak! In comedy, you do not necessary need to speak to make people laugh, all you need to do is to make people understand what you are doing.  A japanese duo who goes with the name "Gamarjobot" is able to perform in front of a bunch of European audience and made them laugh, isn't that fascinating? 

I think that comedy doesn't only come from films or live shows, it can be found in your everyday life. Observe carefully the things happening around you, and the most common place that you can see that is in a train, "why?" you asked? let's see the video below

Isn't that funnier than the stuff you watched in a film? Well, comedy plays an important part in our lives, it helps us release the stress that had been building inside us, it gives us a way to relax ourselves and find something funny to laugh about, it helps us see that life isn't that bad after all.

My play of comedy comes from telling a story that might happen in your life, inspired by of course, the "Umbilical Brothers" which is formed by a pair of brothers doing lived shows around the globe.

These guys are seriously funny, they perfectly portrayed that everything in life can be made into comedy. They do not do stupid or silly stunts that sometimes can be overdoing it, but they use their wits and imaginations! They can make you think that there really is a dog or a bug on the stage by making realistic sounds of them.

Comedy comes a lot from your own imagination, comedians may act stupid or foolish, but they are actually very smart and witty guys that can make people laugh by just doing anything. Comedy is harder than you think, try to make someone laugh on the spot now, can you actually do it? 

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Contextual studies (Self Portrait)

  Ohaiyo guys! Guess what we did for Contextual class last week! Yeap, another self-portrait, haha...But this time is a bit different from before, this is hand made portrait from, what you can basically call 'Trash'!

  Well, to start it off, we gonna have to prepare our materials of course, so for my big master piece, I have taken whatever I see fit around my house, which included,

  • some empty egg shells
  • oat
  • dried leaves
  • 'stolen feathers' from classmates
  • coloured candles
  • buttons
  • some unwanted red card board
  • cotton
  • spaghetti stri...i mean sticks  
  • thin branches
  • black sesame seeds
  • glue

 First of all, what you need to do is take a photo of yourself and draw it out according to the photo like what I did....


   After I had drawn the outline of my face, I started off by applying glue on some part of my face and poured oat on it to let it stick as my skin.
 Secondly, i lighted up the candles and dripped the wax on the upper part of the head as my hair. And for the eyes, i used cotton as my retina and shirt button as my pupils. As you can see, I had also used the sesame seed as my thick dark eye brows and eggshells as my ears. As for my nose, i used the branch as my nose bridge.
wait for it....

As a final touch up, i 'secretly' plucked some feathers from my classmates and used it as my jaws and dried leaves as my neck, keke....

And WALA!! it's done in just a few...ok maybe alot of steps! It does look quite cool as I did it myself wholeheartedly. *applause!

That's all for now, SIGNED OUT!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

My Self-Portrait

  About the Self-Portrait I am currently working on, it will be showing about me, what am I like, and most obviously, how do I look like when I am at the age of 18.

  Well, basically, this is my first time doing a self-portrait and instead of saying tough, I find it quite challenging.

  In this portrait, I inserted a bit of comical stuff  because I think that people is easily attracted to comical stuff and they can remember it easier. I'm an easy going guy, so I prefer my workings to be simple as well instead of complicated that you have to look really hard on it to understand it.

 This portrait contains three photos of what I am usually like, I made it black and white but left the accessories in colour as a focus point. Those three photos is a part of me, is what defines who I really am.

athletic me                               lazy me                        artistic me                          
The athletic me is someone who has a passion in whatever he does and works hard on it. He likes to break a 'or many as shown in the photo' sweat and gives his all until the very last moment until success is in his palm. Like the Nike's motto, 'Just Do It' and you might have a chance to break through instead of sitting and doing nothing at all!

The lazy me is as important as the other two, it gives me the opportunity to recharge and a chance to do whatever I like. Life is meaningless if you just keep on working and never stop a moment to recollect yourself. Sleep, as it is the moment a new road can be built for you to walk further.

The artistic me has a keen eye on everything, including life. Pay attention to the surroundings around you as the nature is the greatest art created by God for us. I am a designer, training to be the God assistant one day to help continue His art work.

I'm quite the bright guy, I don't have many 'black' moments that i can recall of at the moment, so its hard to come by seeing my sulking in a corner, but here's a picture of me covered with 'dark matters', for fun of course...haha


About Self-Portrait

Well, this would be my first individual blog post and it's for my CTS class assignment.

What I am going to talk today is about self-portrait. I am pretty sure a lot of you have done a self-portrait once in your life time, especially when you're living in a time where everyone has a camera phone and taking a photo of yourself is as easy as breathing.

For me, self portrait comes in many types, it can be photographed, drawn, painted or even sculptured. It can be used to record a certain time or express your feelings. 

By looking at the painting above, painted by Frida Kahlo, you can approximately know that it was painted very long ago. Self-portrait is also a very good way to keep a certain memory of someone you do not wish to forget.

Nowadays, self-portrait is being photographed more rather than being drawn, and here are some of the examples of photographed self-portrait that I've taken a look on and found it interesting.

This is some of the collage that I found and I find it quite unique. It gives u freedom on how you want to edit, place or design your photograph. As you can see, you can also add more than one photograph in a photo and it gives your more choices on how you want to be expressed. 

will you focus on the unique shoes if it was not a collage?
or the details of the camera?
Other than that, collage also helps you focus on the different aspects of the photo rather than focusing on one point.